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- Coaching

         -Physical Therapy

              -Trail Running Team

AEROBIC ARSENAL is based in greater Sacramento, California and was created to prepare runners of all levels for the challenges and rewards of trail running.  At Aerobic Arsenal, we strive to provide novice to experienced runners with the necessary training and resources for race day success,. Runners who join the Arsenal can chose:

    -online or in-person coaching

    -hands-on or virtual physical therapy

    -local or remote trail team membership


Why Join
    Aerobic Arsenal?

Coaching- Get Fit

     Scientifically based individualized training programs from a UESCA Certified Ultrarunning coach with over 20 years of endurance coaching experience. 

     Work with a skilled coach and take the guesswork out of your training.

     Maximize your readiness come race day.

     A proactive approach to injury-free running with a balanced body.  Choose a package that includes bi-weekly or as-needed in-person (or remote virtual) physical therapy visits. 

    One-on-one with a board-certified licensed physical therapist with over 25 years of experience providing high quality service to endurance athletes like you.

Physical Therapy- Be Healthy

Trail Running Team- Have Fun

     Running is always more fun when you have a group of people to share the trails with you, push you, and support you. 

     In a team environment, learning and improvement are not only coach to athlete but also peer to peer.  Aerobic Arsenal has weekly team practices and organized weekend runs (1-2 times per month) to maximize the fun and to get the most from your training.                 

     These in-person sessions are a great way

to get coach feedback on your running form, to clarify workouts, and to hone the skills necessary to become a better runner.

Couple Jogging





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Group Running

Trail Running Team

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